
We want to add some tests to our blog generator. At the very least a few regression tests to make sure that if we extend or change our markup parsing code, HTML generation code, or translation from markup to HTML code, and make a mistake, we'll have a safety net alerting us of issues.

We will use the hspec testing framework to write our tests. There are other testing frameworks in Haskell, for example tasty, but I like hspec's documentation, so we'll use that.

Initial setup

Cabal file additions

We're going to define a new section in our hs-blog-gen.cabal file for our new test suite. This section is called test-suite and it is fairly similar to the library and executable sections.

The interfaces for how to define a test suite are described in the Cabal documentation. We are going to use the exitcode-stdio-1.0 interface. Let's go over the different settings and options:

test-suite hs-blog-gen-test
  import: common-settings
  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
  hs-source-dirs: test
  main-is: Spec.hs

  -- other-modules:
    , hspec
    , hspec-discover
    , raw-strings-qq
    , hs-blog
    -O -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
  • hs-source-dirs: test - The directory of the source file for the test suite
  • main-is: Spec.hs - The entry point to the test suite source file
  • other-modules - The modules in our test suite. Currently commented out because we haven't added any yet.
  • build-depends - The packages we are going to use:
    • base - The standard library for Haskell, as we've used before
    • hspec - The test framework we are going to use
    • hspec-discover - Automatic discovery of hspec tests
    • raw-strings-qq - Additional syntax for writing raw string literals
    • hs-blog - Our library
  • ghc-options - Extra options and flags for GHC
    • -O - Compile with optimizations
    • -threaded - Use the multi-core runtime instead of single-core runtime. The multi-core runtime is generally a bit slower in my experience, but when writing code that actually uses multiple cores (such as a test framework that runs tests in parallel) it can gives a good performance boost.
    • -rtsopts - lets us manipulate the Haskell runtime system by passing command-line arguments to our application
    • -with-rtsopts=-N - Set specific default options for the program at link-time. Specifically, -N Sets the number of cores to use in our program.
  • build-tool-depends - Uses a specific executable from a package dependency in aid of building the package. In this case, we are using the hspec-discover executable from the hspec-discover package, which goes over the source directory for the tests, finds all of the Spec files, and creates an entry point for the program that will run all the tests it discovered.

Hspec discovery

In order for hspec-discover to work, we need to add the following to the "main" file of the test suite, for us this is test/Spec.hs:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}

That's it! hspec-discover will automatically define a main for us. Now we can run the tests using stack test or cabal v2-test (your choice). Because we haven't defined any tests, our output is:

Finished in 0.0000 seconds
0 examples, 0 failures

When we add new hspec tests, hspec-discover will find and run them automatically (though we will still need add them to the other-modules section in the cabal file).

For hspec-discover to identify modules as test modules, the modules must follow a convention:

  1. Their module names must end with Spec
  2. They must define a value spec :: Spec (which describes the test) and export it outside of the module (by adding it to the export list of the module, for example).

Writing tests

Let's write our first test. We'll create a new module to test markup parsing. We'll call it MarkupParsingSpec.hs. We'll need the following imports as well:

module MarkupParsingSpec where

import Test.Hspec
import HsBlog.Markup

hspec provides us with a monadic interface for describing, composing and nesting test specifications (Specs).

Using the describe function we can describe a group of tests, using the it function we can add a new test, and using a function like shouldBe we can compare two values and make sure they are equal by using their Eq instance. If they are, the test will pass, and if not, it will fail with a descriptive error.

Let's try it and write a test that obviously fails!

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  describe "Markup parsing tests" $ do
    it "empty" $
        (parse "")
        [Heading 1 "bug"]

After adding the module to the other-modules list in the cabal file:


And running the tests, we get this output:

  Markup parsing tests
    empty FAILED [1]


  1) MarkupParsing, Markup parsing tests, empty
       expected: [Heading 1 "bug"]
        but got: []

  To rerun use: --match "/MarkupParsing/Markup parsing tests/empty/"

Randomized with seed 763489823

Finished in 0.0004 seconds
1 example, 1 failure

The output describes which tests are running in a hierarchy tree (module, group and test), whether the tests pass or fail, and if they fail, the output and the expected output.

We can fix our test by matching the expected output:

        (parse "")

Now, running the tests will produce:

  Markup parsing tests

Finished in 0.0001 seconds
1 example, 0 failures

We can add a few more tests:

    it "paragraph" $
        (parse "hello world")
        [Paragraph "hello world"]

    it "heading 1" $
        (parse "* Heading 1")
        [Heading 1 "Heading 1"]

    it "code" $
        (parse "> main = putStrLn \"hello world!\"")
        [CodeBlock ["main = putStrLn \"hello world!\""]]

And run the tests again:

  Markup parsing tests
    Test empty
    heading 1

Finished in 0.0003 seconds
4 examples, 0 failures

This is the gist of writing unit tests with hspec. It's important to note that we can nest Specs that are declared with describe to create trees, and of course refactor and move things to different functions and modules to make our test suite better organized.

For example, we can write our tests like this:

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  describe "Markup parsing tests" $ do

simple :: Spec
simple = do
  describe "simple" $ do
    it "empty" $
        (parse "")

    it "paragraph" $
        (parse "hello world")
        [Paragraph "hello world"]

    it "heading 1" $
        (parse "* Heading 1")
        [Heading 1 "Heading 1"]

    it "code" $
        (parse "> main = putStrLn \"hello world!\"")
        [CodeBlock ["main = putStrLn \"hello world!\""]]

Also, there are other "expectations" like shouldBe that we can use when writing tests. They are described in the hspec tutorial and can be found in the haddock documentation as well.

Raw strings

If we want to write multi-line strings, or avoid escaping strings like we did in the "code" test, we can use a library called raw-strings-qq which uses a language extension called QuasiQuotes. QuasiQuotes is a meta-programming extension that provides a mechanism for extending the syntax of Haskell.

A quasi-quote has the form [quoter| string |], where the quoter is the name of the function providing the syntax we wish to use, and the string is our input.

In our case, we use the quoter r, which is defined in raw-strings-qq, and write any string we want, with multi-lines and unescaped characters! We could use this to write the tests we previously wrote:

{-# language QuasiQuotes #-}


import Text.RawString.QQ


example3 :: String
example3 = [r|
Remember that multiple lines with no separation
are grouped together to a single paragraph
but list items remain separate.

# Item 1 of a list
# Item 2 of the same list

And add multi-line tests:

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  describe "Markup parsing tests" $ do

multiline :: Spec
multiline = do
  describe "Multi-line tests" $ do
    it "example3" $
        (parse example3)

example3 :: String
example3 = [r|
Remember that multiple lines with no separation
are grouped together to a single paragraph
but list items remain separate.

# Item 1 of a list
# Item 2 of the same list

example3Result :: Document
example3Result =
  [ Paragraph "Remember that multiple lines with no separation are grouped together to a single paragraph but list items remain separate."
  , OrderedList
    [ "Item 1 of a list"
    , "Item 2 of the same list"

Running the tests:

  Markup parsing tests
      Test empty
      heading 1
    Multi-line tests

Finished in 0.0004 seconds
5 examples, 0 failures

Exercise: Add a test for the fourth example described in the previous exercises.

multiline :: Spec
multiline = do
  describe "Multi-line tests" $ do
    it "example3" $
        (parse example3)

    it "example4" $
        (parse example4)

example4 :: String
example4 = [r|
* Compiling programs with ghc

Running ghc invokes the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC),
and can be used to compile Haskell modules and programs into native
executables and libraries.

Create a new Haskell source file named hello.hs, and write
the following code in it:

> main = putStrLn "Hello, Haskell!"

Now, we can compile the program by invoking ghc with the file name:

> ➜ ghc hello.hs
> [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( hello.hs, hello.o )
> Linking hello ...

GHC created the following files:

- hello.hi - Haskell interface file
- hello.o - Object file, the output of the compiler before linking
- hello (or hello.exe on Microsoft Windows) - A native runnable executable.

GHC will produce an executable when the source file satisfies both conditions:

# Defines the main function in the source file
# Defines the module name to be Main, or does not have a module declaration

Otherwise, it will only produce the .o and .hi files.

example4Result :: Document
example4Result =
  [ Heading 1 "Compiling programs with ghc"
  , Paragraph "Running ghc invokes the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), and can be used to compile Haskell modules and programs into native executables and libraries."
  , Paragraph "Create a new Haskell source file named hello.hs, and write the following code in it:"
  , CodeBlock
    [ "main = putStrLn \"Hello, Haskell!\""
  , Paragraph "Now, we can compile the program by invoking ghc with the file name:"
  , CodeBlock
    [ "➜ ghc hello.hs"
    , "[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( hello.hs, hello.o )"
    , "Linking hello ..."
  , Paragraph "GHC created the following files:"
  , UnorderedList
    [ "hello.hi - Haskell interface file"
    , "hello.o - Object file, the output of the compiler before linking"
    , "hello (or hello.exe on Microsoft Windows) - A native runnable executable."
  , Paragraph "GHC will produce an executable when the source file satisfies both conditions:"
  , OrderedList
    [ "Defines the main function in the source file"
    , "Defines the module name to be Main, or does not have a module declaration"
  , Paragraph "Otherwise, it will only produce the .o and .hi files."


This chapter has been just the tip of the iceberg of the Haskell testing landscape. We haven't talked about property testing or golden testing, testing expected failures, testing IO code, inspection testing, benchmarking, and more. There's just too much to cover!

My hope is that this chapter provided you with the basics of how to start writing tests for your own projects. Please consult the tutorial for your chosen testing framework, and read more about this very important subject on your own.

You can view the git commit of the changes we've made and the code up until now.