Converting Markup to HTML

One key part is missing before we can do glue everything together, and that is to convert our Markup data types to Html.

We'll start by creating a new module and import both the Markup and the Html modules.

module Convert where

import qualified Markup
import qualified Html

Qualified Imports

This time, we've imported the modules qualified. Qualified imports means that instead of exposing the names that we've defined in the imported module to the general module name space, they now have to be prefixed with the module name.

For example, parse becomes Markup.parse. If we would've imported Html.Internal qualified, we'd have to write Html.Internal.el which is a bit long.

We can also give the module a new name with the as keyword:

import qualified Html.Internal as HI

And write HI.el instead.

I like using qualified imports because readers do not have to guess where a name comes from. Some modules are even designed to be imported qualified. For example, many container APIs such as maps, sets, and vectors have very similar API. If we want to use multiple containers in a single module we pretty much have to use qualified imports so that when we write a function such as singleton, which creates a container with a single value, GHC will know which singleton function we are referring to.

Some people prefer to use import lists instead of qualified imports, because qualified names can be a bit verbose and noisy. I will often prefer qualified imports to import lists, but feel free to try both solutions and see which fits you better. For more information about imports, see this wiki article.

Converting Markup.Structure to Html.Structure

Converting a markup structure to an HTML structure is mostly straightforward at this point, we need to pattern match on the markup structure and use the relevant HTML API.

convertStructure :: Markup.Structure -> Html.Structure
convertStructure structure =
  case structure of
    Markup.Heading 1 txt ->
      Html.h1_ txt

    Markup.Paragraph p ->
      Html.p_ p

    Markup.UnorderedList list ->
      Html.ul_ $ map Html.p_ list

    Markup.OrderedList list ->
      Html.ol_ $ map Html.p_ list

    Markup.CodeBlock list ->
      Html.code_ (unlines list)

Notice that running this code with -Wall will reveal that the pattern matching is non-exhaustive. This is because we don't currently have a way to build headings that are not h1. There are a few ways to handle this:

  • Ignore the warning - this will likely fail at runtime one day and the user will be sad
  • Pattern match other cases and add a nice error with the error function - it has the same disadvantage above, but will also no longer notify of the unhandled cases at compile time.
  • Pattern match and do the wrong thing - user is still sad
  • Encode errors in the type system using Either, we'll see how to do this in later chapters
  • Restrict the input - change Markup.Heading to not include a number but rather specific supported headings. This is a reasonable approach.
  • Implement an HTML function supporting arbitrary headings. Should be straightforward to do.

Exercise: Implement h_ :: Natural -> String -> Structure which we'll use to define arbitrary headings (such as <h1>, <h2>, and so on).

import Numeric.Natural

h_ :: Natural -> String -> Structure
h_ n = Structure . el ("h" <> show n) . escape

Don't forget to export it from Html.hs!

Exercise: Fix convertStructure using h_.

convertStructure :: Markup.Structure -> Html.Structure
convertStructure structure =
  case structure of
    Markup.Heading n txt ->
      Html.h_ n txt

    Markup.Paragraph p ->
      Html.p_ p

    Markup.UnorderedList list ->
      Html.ul_ $ map Html.p_ list

    Markup.OrderedList list ->
      Html.ol_ $ map Html.p_ list

    Markup.CodeBlock list ->
      Html.code_ (unlines list)

Document -> Html

In order to create an Html document, we need to use the html_ function. This function expects two things: a Title, and a Structure.

For a title we could just supply it from outside using the file name.

In order to convert our markup Document (which is a list of markup Structure) to an HTML Structure, we need to convert each markup Structure and then concatenate them together.

We already know how to convert each markup Structure, we can use the convertStructure function we wrote and map. This will provide us with the following function:

map convertStructure :: Markup.Document -> [Html.Structure]

To concatenate all of the Html.Structure, we could try to write a recursive function. However we will quickly run into an issue with the base case, what to do when the list is empty?

We could just provide dummy Html.Structure that represents an empty HTML structure.

Let's add this to Html.Internal:

empty_ :: Structure
empty_ = Structure ""

Now we can write our recursive function. Try it!

concatStructure :: [Structure] -> Structure
concatStructure list =
  case list of
    [] -> empty_
    x : xs -> x <> concatStructure xs

Remember the <> function we implemented as an instance of the Semigroup type class? We mentioned that Semigroup is an abstraction for things that implements (<>) :: a -> a -> a, where <> is associative (a <> (b <> c) = (a <> b) <> c).

It turns out that having an instance of Semigroup and also having a value that represents an "empty" value is a fairly common pattern. For example a string can be concatenated, and the empty string can serve as an "empty" value. And this is actually a well known abstraction called monoid.


Actually, "empty" isn't a very good description of what we want, and isn't very useful as an abstraction. Instead, we can describe it as an "identity" element, which satisfies the following laws:

  • x <> <identity> = x
  • <identity> <> x = x

In other words, if we try to use this "empty" - this identity value, as one argument to <>, we will always get the other argument back.

For String, the empty string, "", satisfies this:

"" <> "world" = "world"
"hello" <> "" = "hello"

This is of course true for any value we'd write and not just "world" and "hello".

Actually, if we move out of the Haskell world for a second, even integers with + as the associative binary operations + (in place of <>) and 0 in place of the identity member form a monoid:

17 + 0 = 17
0 + 99 = 99

So integers together with the + operation form a semigroup, and together with 0 form a monoid.

We learn new things from this:

  1. A monoid is a more specific abstraction over semigroup, it builds on it by adding a new condition (the existence of an identity member)
  2. This abstraction can be useful! We can write a general concatStructure that could work for any monoid

And indeed, there exists a type class in base called Monoid which has Semigroup as a super class.

class Semigroup a => Monoid a where
  mempty :: a

Note: this is actually a simplified version. The actual is a bit more complicated because of backwards compatibility and performance reasons. Semigroup was actually introduced in Haskell after Monoid!

We could add an instance of Monoid for our markup Structure data type:

instance Monoid Structure where
  mempty = empty_

And now, instead of using our own concatStructure, we can use the library function

mconcat :: Monoid a => [a] -> a

Which could theoretically be implemented as:

mconcat :: Monoid a => [a] -> a
mconcat list =
  case list of
    [] -> mempty
    x : xs -> x <> mconcat xs

Notice that because Semigroup is a super class of Monoid, we can still use the <> function from the Semigroup class without adding the Semigroup a constraint to the left side of =>. By adding the Monoid a constraint we implicitly add a Semigroup a constraint as well!

This mconcat function is very similar to the concatStructure function, but this one works for any Monoid, including Structure! Abstractions help us identify common patterns and reuse code!

Side note: integers with + and 0 aren't actually an instance of Monoid in Haskell. This is because integers can also form a monoid with * and 1! But there can only be one instance per type. Instead, two other newtypes exist that provide that functionality, Sum and Product. See how they can be used in ghci:

ghci> import Data.Monoid
ghci> Product 2 <> Product 3 -- note, Product is a data constructor
Product {getProduct = 6}
ghci> getProduct (Product 2 <> Product 3)
ghci> getProduct $ mconcat $ map Product [1..5]

Another abstraction?

We've used map and then mconcat twice now. Surely there has to be a function that unifies this pattern. And indeed, it is called foldMap, and it works not only for lists, but also for any data structure that can be "folded", or "reduced", into a summary value. This abstraction and type class is called Foldable.

For a simpler understanding of Foldable, we can look at fold:

fold :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => t m -> m

-- compare with
mconcat :: Monoid m            => [m] -> m

mconcat is just a specialized version of fold for lists. And fold can be a used for any pair of a data structure that implements Foldable and a payload type that implements Monoid. This could be [] with Structure, or Maybe with Product Int, or your new shiny binary tree with String as the payload type. But note that the Foldable type must be of kind * -> *. So for example Html cannot be a Foldable.

foldMap is a function that allows us to apply a function to the payload type of the Foldable type right before combining them with the <> function.

foldMap :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) -> (a -> m) -> t a -> m

-- compare to a specialized version with:
-- - t ~ []
-- - m ~ Html.Structure
-- - a ~ Markup.Structure
  :: (Markup.Structure -> Html.Structure)
  -> [Markup.Structure]
  -> Html.Structure

True to its name, it really "maps" before it "folds". You might pause here and think "this 'map' we are talking about isn't specific for lists, maybe that's another abstraction?", yes. It is actually a very important and fundamental abstraction called Functor. But I think we had enough abstractions for this chapter. We'll cover it in a later chapter!

Finishing our conversion module

Let's finish our code by writing convert:

convert :: Html.Title -> Markup.Document -> Html.Html
convert title = Html.html_ title . foldMap convertStructure

Now we have a full implementation and are able to convert markup documents to HTML:

-- Convert.hs
module Convert where

import qualified Markup
import qualified Html

convert :: Html.Title -> Markup.Document -> Html.Html
convert title = Html.html_ title . foldMap convertStructure

convertStructure :: Markup.Structure -> Html.Structure
convertStructure structure =
  case structure of
    Markup.Heading n txt ->
      Html.h_ n txt

    Markup.Paragraph p ->
      Html.p_ p

    Markup.UnorderedList list ->
      Html.ul_ $ map Html.p_ list

    Markup.OrderedList list ->
      Html.ol_ $ map Html.p_ list

    Markup.CodeBlock list ->
      Html.code_ (unlines list)


We learned about:

  • Qualified imports
  • Ways to handle errors
  • The Monoid type class and abstraction
  • The Foldable type class and abstraction

Next, we are going to glue our functionality together and learn about I/O in Haskell!

You can view the git commit of the changes we've made and the code up until now.