Fancy options parsing

We'd like to define a nicer interface for our program. While we could manage something ourselves with getArgs and pattern matching, it is easier to get good results using a library. We are going to use a package called optparse-applicative.

optparse-applicative provides us with an EDSL (yes, another one) to build command arguments parsers. Things like commands, switches, and flags can be built and composed together to make a parser for command-line arguments without actually writing operations on strings as we did when we wrote our Markup parser, and will provide other benefits such as automatic generation of usage lines, help screens, error reporting, and more.

While optparse-applicative's dependency footprint isn't very large, it is likely that a user of our library wouldn't need command-line parsing in this particular case, so it makes sense to add this dependency to the executable section (rather than the library section) in the .cabal file:

 executable hs-blog-gen
   import: common-settings
   hs-source-dirs: app
   main-is: Main.hs
+    , optparse-applicative
     , hs-blog

Building a command-line parser

The optparse-applicative package has pretty decent documentation, but we will cover a few important things to pay attention to in this chapter.

In general, there are four important things we need to do:

  1. Define our model - we want to define an ADT that describes the various options and commands for our program.

  2. Define a parser that will produce a value of our model type when run

  3. Run the parser on our program arguments input

  4. Pattern match on the model and call the right operations according to the options

Define a model

Let's envision our command-line interface for a second, what should it look like?

We want to be able to convert a single file or input stream to either a file or an output stream, or we want to process a whole directory and create a new directory. We can model it in an ADT like this:

data Options
  = ConvertSingle SingleInput SingleOutput
  | ConvertDir FilePath FilePath
  deriving Show

data SingleInput
  = Stdin
  | InputFile FilePath
  deriving Show

data SingleOutput
  = Stdout
  | OutputFile FilePath
  deriving Show

Note that we could technically also use Maybe FilePath to encode both SingleInput and SingleOutput, but then we would have to remember what Nothing means in each context. By creating a new type with properly named constructors for each option we make it easier for readers of the code to understand the meaning of our code.

In terms of interface, we could decide that when a user would like to convert a single input source, they would use the convert command, and supply the optional flags --input FILEPATH and --output FILEPATH to read or write from a file. When the user does not supply one or both flag, we will read or write from the standard input/output accordingly.

If the user would like to convert a directory, they can use the convert-dir command and supply the two mandatory flags --input FILEPATH and --output FILEPATH.

Build a parser

This is the most interesting part of the process. How do we build a parser that fits our model?

The optparse-applicative library introduces a new type called Parser. Parser, similar to Maybe and IO, has the kind * -> * - when it is supplied with a saturated (or concrete) type such as Int, Bool or Options, it can become a saturated type (one that has values).

A Parser a represents a specification of a command-line options parser that produces a value of type a when the command-line arguments are successfully parsed. This is similar to how IO a represents a description of a program that can produce a value of type a. The main difference between these two types is that while we can't convert an IO a to an a (we just chain IO operations and have the Haskell runtime execute them), we can convert a Parser a to a function that takes a list of strings representing the program arguments and produces an a if it manages to parse the arguments.

As we've seen with the previous EDSLs, this library uses the combinator pattern as well. We need to consider the basic primitives for building a parser, and the methods of composing small parsers into bigger parsers.

Let's see an example for a small parser:

inp :: Parser FilePath
inp =
    ( long "input"
      <> short 'i'
      <> metavar "FILE"
      <> help "Input file"

out :: Parser FilePath
out =
    ( long "output"
      <> short 'o'
      <> metavar "FILE"
      <> help "Output file"

strOption is a parser builder. It is a function that takes a combined option modifiers as an argument, and returns a parser that will parse a string. We can specify the type to be FilePath because FilePath is an alias to String. The parser builder describes how to parse the value, and the modifiers describe its properties, such as the flag name, the shorthand of the flag name, and how it would be described in the usage and help messages.

Actually strOption can return any string type that implements the interface IsString. There are a few such types, for example Text, a much more efficient Unicode text type from the text package. It is more efficient than String because while String is implemented as a linked list of Char, Text is implemented as an array of bytes. Text is usually what we should use for text values instead of String. We haven't been using it up until now because it is slightly less ergonomic to use than String. But it is often the preferred type to use for text!

As you can see, modifiers can be composed using the <> function, which means modifiers implement an instance of the Semigroup type class!

With such an interface we don't have to supply all the modifier options, but only the relevant ones. So if we don't want to have a shortened flag name, we don't have to add it.


For the data type we've defined, having Parser FilePath takes us a good step in the right direction, but it is not exactly what we need for a ConvertSingle. We need a Parser SingleInput and a Parser SingleOutput. If we had a FilePath, we could convert it into SingleInput by using the InputFile constructor. Remember, InputFile is also a function:

InputFile :: FilePath -> SingleInput
OutputFile :: FilePath -> SingleOutput

However, to convert a parser, we need functions with these types:

f :: Parser FilePath -> Parser SingleInput
g :: Parser FilePath -> Parser SingleOutput

Fortunately, the Parser interface provides us with a function to "lift" a function like FilePath -> SingleInput to work on parsers, making it a function with the type Parser FilePath -> Parser SingleInput. Of course, this function will work for any input and output, so if we have a function with the type a -> b, we can pass it to that function and get a new function of the type Parser a -> Parser b.

This function is called fmap:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b

-- Or with its infix version
(<$>)  :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b

We've seen fmap before in the interface of other types:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

fmap :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b

fmap is a type class function like <> and show. It belongs to the type class Functor:

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

And it has the following laws:

-- 1. Identity law:
--    if we don't change the values, nothing should change
fmap id = id

-- 2. Composition law:
--    Composing the lifted functions is the same a composing
--    them after fmap
fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g

Any type f that can implement fmap and follow these laws can be a valid instance of Functor.

Notice how f has a kind * -> *, we can infer the kind of f by looking at the other types in the type signature of fmap:

  1. a and b have the kind * because they are used as arguments/return types of functions
  2. f a has the kind * because it is used as an argument to a function, therefore
  3. f has the kind * -> *

Let's choose a data type and see if we can implement a Functor instance. We need to choose a data type that has the kind * -> *. Maybe fits the bill. We need to implement a function fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b. Here's one very simple (and wrong) implementation:

mapMaybe :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mapMaybe func maybeX = Nothing

Check it yourself! It compiles successfully! But unfortunately it does not satisfy the first law. fmap id = id means that mapMaybe id (Just x) == Just x, however from the definition we can clearly see that mapMaybe id (Just x) == Nothing.

This is a good example of how Haskell doesn't help us make sure the laws are satisfied, and why they are important. Unlawful Functor instances will behave differently from what we'd expect a Functor to behave. Let's try again!

mapMaybe :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mapMaybe func maybeX =
  case maybeX of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just x -> Just (func x)

This mapMaybe will satisfy the functor laws. This can be proved by doing algebra - if we can do substitution and reach the other side of the equation in each law, then the law holds.

Functor is a very important type class, and many types implement this interface. As we know, IO, Maybe, [] and Parser all have the kind * -> *, and all allows us to map over their "payload" type.

Often people try to look for analogies and metaphors to what a type class mean, but type classes with funny names like Functor don't usually have an analogy or a metaphor that fits them in all cases. It is easier to give up on the metaphor and think about it as it is - an interface with laws.

We can use fmap on Parser to make a parser that returns FilePath to return a SingleInput or SingleOutput instead:

pInputFile :: Parser SingleInput
pInputFile = fmap InputFile parser
    parser =
        ( long "input"
          <> short 'i'
          <> metavar "FILE"
          <> help "Input file"

pOutputFile :: Parser SingleOutput
pOutputFile = OutputFile <$> parser -- fmap and <$> are the same
    parser =
        ( long "output"
          <> short 'o'
          <> metavar "FILE"
          <> help "Output file"


Now that we have two parsers, pInputFile :: Parser SingleInput and pOutputFile :: Parser SingleOutput, we want to combine them as Options. Again, if we only had SingleInput and SingleOutput, we could use the constructor ConvertSingle:

ConvertSingle :: SingleInput -> SingleOutput -> Options

Can we do a similar trick to the one we saw before with fmap? Does a function exist that can lift a binary function to work on Parsers instead? One with this type signature:

  :: (SingleInput -> SingleOutput -> Options)
  -> (Parser SingleInput -> Parser SingleOutput -> Parser Options)

Yes. This function is called liftA2 and it is from the Applicative type class. Applicative (also known as applicative functor) has three primary functions:

class Functor f => Applicative f where
  pure :: a -> f a
  liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
  (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Applicative is another very popular type class with many instances.

Just like any Monoid is a Semigroup, any Applicative is a Functor. This means that any type that wants to implement the Applicative interface should also implement the Functor interface.

Beyond what a regular functor can do, which is to lift a function over a certain f, applicative functors allow us to apply a function to multiple instances of a certain f, as well as "lift" any value of type a into an f a.

You should already be familiar with pure, we've seen it when we talked about IO. For IO, pure lets us create an IO action with a specific return value without doing IO. With pure for Parser, we can create a Parser that when run will return a specific value as output without doing any parsing.

liftA2 and <*> are two functions that can be implemented in terms of one another. <*> is actually the more useful one between the two. Because when combined with fmap (or rather the infix version <$>), it can be used to apply a function with many arguments, instead of just two.

To combine our two parsers to one, we can use either liftA2 or a combination of <$> and <*>:

-- with liftA2
pConvertSingle :: Parser Options
pConvertSingle =
  liftA2 ConvertSingle pInputFile pOutputFile

-- with <$> and <*>
pConvertSingle :: Parser Options
pConvertSingle =
  ConvertSingle <$> pInputFile <*> pOutputFile

Note that both <$> and <*> associate to the left, so we have invisible parenthesis that look like this:

pConvertSingle :: Parser Options
pConvertSingle =
  (ConvertSingle <$> pInputFile) <*> pOutputFile

Let's take a deeper look at the types of the sub-expressions we have here, to prove that this type-checks:

pConvertSingle :: Parser Options

pInputFile :: Parser SingleInput
pOutputFile :: Parser SingleOutput

ConvertSingle :: SingleInput -> SingleOutput -> Options

(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
  -- Specifically, here `a` is `SingleInput`
  -- and `b` is `SingleOutput -> Options`,

ConvertSingle <$> pInputFile :: Parser (SingleOutput -> Options)

(<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
  -- Specifically, here `a -> b` is `SingleOutput -> Options`
  -- so `a` is `SingleOutput` and `b` is `Options`

-- So we get:
(ConvertSingle <$> pInputFile) <*> pOutputFile :: Parser Options

With <$> and <*> we can chain as many parsers (or any applicative really) as we want. This is because of two things: currying and parametric polymorphism. Because functions in Haskell take exactly one argument and return exactly one, any multiple argument function can be represented as a -> b.

You can find the laws for the applicative functors in this article called Typeclassopedia, which talks about various useful type classes and their laws.

Applicative functor is a very important concept and will appear in various parser interfaces (not just for command-line arguments, but also JSON parsers and general parsers), I/O, concurrency, non-determinism, and more. The reason this library is called optparse-applicative is because it uses the Applicative interface as the main API for constructing parsers.

Exercise: create a similar interface for the ConvertDir constructor of Options.

pInputDir :: Parser FilePath
pInputDir =
    ( long "input"
      <> short 'i'
      <> metavar "DIRECTORY"
      <> help "Input directory"

pOutputDir :: Parser FilePath
pOutputDir =
    ( long "output"
      <> short 'o'
      <> metavar "DIRECTORY"
      <> help "Output directory"

pConvertDir :: Parser Options
pConvertDir =
  ConvertDir <$> pInputDir <*> pOutputDir


One thing we forgot about is that each input and output for ConvertSingle could also potentially use the standard input and output instead. Up until now we only offered one option: reading from or writing to a file by specifying the flags --input and --output. However, we'd like to make these flags optional, and when they are not specified, use the alternative standard i/o. We can do that by using the function optional from Control.Applicative:

optional :: Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)

optional works on types which implement instances of the Alternative type class:

class Applicative f => Alternative f where
  (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
  empty :: f a

Alternative looks very similar to the Monoid type class, but it works on applicative functors. This type class isn't very common and is mostly used for parsing libraries as far as I know. It provides us with an interface to combine two Parsers - if the first one fails to parse, try the other. It also provides other useful functions such as optional, which will help us with our case:

pSingleInput :: Parser SingleInput
pSingleInput =
  fromMaybe Stdin <$> optional pInputFile

pSingleOutput :: Parser SingleOutput
pSingleOutput =
  fromMaybe Stdout <$> optional pOutputFile

Note that with fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a we can extract the a out of the Maybe by supplying a value for the Nothing case.

Now we can use these more appropriate functions in pConvertSingle instead:

pConvertSingle :: Parser Options
pConvertSingle =
  ConvertSingle <$> pSingleInput <*> pSingleOutput

Commands and subparsers

We currently have two possible operations in our interface, convert a single source, or convert a directory. A nice interface for selecting the right operation would be via commands. If the user would like to convert a single source, they can use convert, for a directory, convert-dir.

We can create a a parser with commands with the subparser and command functions:

subparser :: Mod CommandFields a -> Parser a

command :: String -> ParserInfo a -> Mod CommandFields a

subparser takes command modifiers (which can be constructed with the command function) as input, and produces a Parser. command takes the command name (in our case "convert" or "convert-dir") and a ParserInfo a, and produces a command modifier. As we've seen before these modifiers have a Monoid instance and they can be composed, meaning that we can append multiple commands to serve as alternatives.

A ParserInfo a can be constructed with the info function:

info :: Parser a -> InfoMod a -> ParserInfo a

This function wraps a Parser with some additional information such as a helper message, description, and more, so that the program itself and each sub command can print some additional information.

Let's see how to construct a ParserInfo:

pConvertSingleInfo :: ParserInfo Options
pConvertSingleInfo =
    (helper <*> pConvertSingle)
    (progDesc "Convert a single markup source to html")

Note that helper adds a helper output screen in case the parser fails.

Let's also build a command:

pConvertSingleCommand :: Mod CommandFields Options
pConvertSingleCommand =
  command "convert" pConvertSingleInfo

Try creating a Parser Options combining the two options with subparser.

pOptions :: Parser Options
pOptions =
    ( command
      ( info
        (helper <*> pConvertSingle)
        (progDesc "Convert a single markup source to html")
      <> command
      ( info
        (helper <*> pConvertDir)
        (progDesc "Convert a directory of markup files to html")


Since we finished building a parser, we should wrap it up in a ParserInfo and add some information to it to make it ready to run.

opts :: ParserInfo Options
opts =
  info (helper <*> pOptions)
    ( fullDesc
      <> header "hs-blog-gen - a static blog generator"
      <> progDesc "Convert markup files or directories to html"

Running a parser

optparse-applicative provides a non-IO interface to parse arguments, but the most convenient way to use it is to let it take care of fetching program arguments, try to parse them, and throw errors and help messages in case it fails. This can be done with the function execParser :: ParserInfo a -> IO a.

We can place all this options parsing stuff in a new module and then import it from app/Main.hs. Let's do that. Here's what we have up until now:

-- | Command-line options parsing

module OptParse
  ( Options(..)
  , SingleInput(..)
  , SingleOutput(..)
  , parse

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Options.Applicative

-- * Our command-line options model

-- | Model
data Options
  = ConvertSingle SingleInput SingleOutput
  | ConvertDir FilePath FilePath
  deriving Show

-- | A single input source
data SingleInput
  = Stdin
  | InputFile FilePath
  deriving Show

-- | A single output sink
data SingleOutput
  = Stdout
  | OutputFile FilePath
  deriving Show

-- * Parser

-- | Parse command-line options
parse :: IO Options
parse = execParser opts

opts :: ParserInfo Options
opts =
  info (pOptions <**> helper)
    ( fullDesc
      <> header "hs-blog-gen - a static blog generator"
      <> progDesc "Convert markup files or directories to html"

-- | Parser for all options
pOptions :: Parser Options
pOptions =
    ( command
      ( info
        (helper <*> pConvertSingle)
        (progDesc "Convert a single markup source to html")
      <> command
      ( info
        (helper <*> pConvertDir)
        (progDesc "Convert a directory of markup files to html")

-- * Single source to sink conversion parser

-- | Parser for single source to sink option
pConvertSingle :: Parser Options
pConvertSingle =
  ConvertSingle <$> pSingleInput <*> pSingleOutput

-- | Parser for single input source
pSingleInput :: Parser SingleInput
pSingleInput =
  fromMaybe Stdin <$> optional pInputFile

-- | Parser for single output sink
pSingleOutput :: Parser SingleOutput
pSingleOutput =
  fromMaybe Stdout <$> optional pOutputFile

-- | Input file parser
pInputFile :: Parser SingleInput
pInputFile = fmap InputFile parser
    parser =
        ( long "input"
          <> short 'i'
          <> metavar "FILE"
          <> help "Input file"

-- | Output file parser
pOutputFile :: Parser SingleOutput
pOutputFile = OutputFile <$> parser
    parser =
        ( long "output"
          <> short 'o'
          <> metavar "FILE"
          <> help "Output file"

-- * Directory conversion parser

pConvertDir :: Parser Options
pConvertDir =
  ConvertDir <$> pInputDir <*> pOutputDir

-- | Parser for input directory
pInputDir :: Parser FilePath
pInputDir =
    ( long "input"
      <> short 'i'
      <> metavar "DIRECTORY"
      <> help "Input directory"

-- | Parser for output directory
pOutputDir :: Parser FilePath
pOutputDir =
    ( long "output"
      <> short 'o'
      <> metavar "DIRECTORY"
      <> help "Output directory"

Pattern matching on Options

After running the command-line arguments parser, we can pattern match on our model and call the right functions. Currently, our program does not expose this kind of API. So let's go to our src/HsBlog.hs module and change the API. We can delete main from that file and add two new functions instead:

convertSingle :: Html.Title -> Handle -> Handle -> IO ()

convertDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()

Handle is an I/O abstraction over file system objects, including stdin and stdout. Before, we used writeFile and getContents - these functions either get a FilePath to open and work on, or they assume the Handle is the standard I/O. We can use the explicit versions that take a Handle from System.IO instead:

convertSingle :: Html.Title -> Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
convertSingle title input output = do
  content <- hGetContents input
  hPutStrLn output (process title content)

We will leave convertDirectory unimplemented for now and implement it in the next chapter.

In app/Main.hs, we will need to pattern match on the Options and prepare to call the right functions from HsBlog.

Let's look at our full app/Main.hs and src/HsBlog.hs:

-- | Entry point for the hs-blog-gen program

module Main where

import OptParse
import qualified HsBlog

import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.IO

main :: IO ()
main = do
  options <- parse
  case options of
    ConvertDir input output ->
      HsBlog.convertDirectory input output

    ConvertSingle input output -> do
      (title, inputHandle) <-
        case input of
          Stdin ->
            pure ("", stdin)
          InputFile file ->
            (,) file <$> openFile file ReadMode

      outputHandle <-
        case output of
          Stdout -> pure stdout
          OutputFile file -> do
            exists <- doesFileExist file
            shouldOpenFile <-
              if exists
                then confirm
                else pure True
            if shouldOpenFile
                openFile file WriteMode

      HsBlog.convertSingle title inputHandle outputHandle
      hClose inputHandle
      hClose outputHandle

-- * Utilities

-- | Confirm user action
confirm :: IO Bool
confirm =
  putStrLn "Are you sure? (y/n)" *>
    getLine >>= \answer ->
      case answer of
        "y" -> pure True
        "n" -> pure False
        _ -> putStrLn "Invalid response. use y or n" *>
-- HsBlog.hs
module HsBlog
  ( convertSingle
  , convertDirectory
  , process

import qualified HsBlog.Markup as Markup
import qualified HsBlog.Html as Html
import HsBlog.Convert (convert)

import System.IO

convertSingle :: Html.Title -> Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
convertSingle title input output = do
  content <- hGetContents input
  hPutStrLn output (process title content)

convertDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
convertDirectory = error "Not implemented"

process :: Html.Title -> String -> String
process title = Html.render . convert title . Markup.parse

We need to make a few small changes to the .cabal file.

First, we need to add the dependency directory to the executable, because we use the library System.Directory in Main.

Second, we need to list OptParse in the list of modules in the executable.

 executable hs-blog-gen
   import: common-settings
   hs-source-dirs: app
   main-is: Main.hs
+  other-modules:
+    OptParse
+    , directory
     , optparse-applicative
     , hs-blog


We've learned about a new fancy library called optparse-applicative and used it to create a fancier command-line interface in a declarative way. See the result of running hs-blog-gen --help:

hs-blog-gen - a static blog generator

Usage: hs-blog-gen COMMAND
  Convert markup files or directories to html

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  convert                  Convert a single markup source to html
  convert-dir              Convert a directory of markup files to html

Along the way we've learned two powerful new abstractions, Functor and Applicative, as well as revisited an abstraction called Monoid. With this library we've seen another example of the usefulness of these abstractions for constructing APIs and EDSLs.

We will continue to meet these abstractions in the rest of the book.

Bonus exercise: Add another flag named --replace to indicate that if the output file or directory already exists, it's okay to replace them.

You can view the git commit of the changes we've made and the code up until now.