
The Control.Exception module provides us with the ability to throw exceptions from IO code, catch Haskell exceptions in IO code, and even convert them to IO (Either ...) with the function try:

throwIO :: Exception e => e -> IO a

  :: Exception e
  => IO a         -- The computation to run
  -> (e -> IO a)  -- Handler to invoke if an exception is raised
  -> IO a

try :: Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a)

The important part of these type signatures is the Exception type class. By making a type an instance of the Exception type class, we can throw it and catch it in IO code:

{-# language LambdaCase #-}

import Control.Exception
import System.IO

data MyException
  = ErrZero
  | ErrOdd Int
  deriving Show

instance Exception MyException

sayDiv2 :: Int -> IO ()
sayDiv2 n
  | n == 0 = throwIO ErrZero
  | n `mod` 2 /= 0 = throwIO (ErrOdd n)
  | otherwise = print (n `div` 2)

main :: IO ()
main =
    ( do
      putStrLn "Going to print a number now."
      sayDiv2 7
      putStrLn "Did you like it?"
    ( \case
      ErrZero ->
        hPutStrLn stderr "Error: we don't support dividing zeroes for some reason"
      ErrOdd n ->
        hPutStrLn stderr ("Error: " <> show n <> " is odd and cannot be divided by 2")

Note: we are using two new things here: guards, and the LambdaCase language extension.

  1. Guards as seen in sayDiv2 are just a nicer syntax around if-then-else expressions. Using guards we can have multiple if branches and finally use the else branch by using otherwise. After each guard (|) there's a condition, after the condition there's a = and then the expression (the part after then in an if expression).

  2. LambdaCase as seen in catch, is just a syntactic sugar to save a few characters, instead of writing \e -> case e of, we can write \case. It requires enabling the LambdaCase extension.

    Language extensions

    Haskell is a standardized language. However, GHC provides extensions to the language - additional features that aren't covered in the 98 or 2010 standards of Haskell. Features such as syntactic extensions (like LambdaCase above), extensions to the type checker, and more.

    These extensions can be added by adding {-# language <extension-name> #-} (the language part is case insensitive) to the top of a Haskell source file, or they can be set globally for an entire project by specifying them in the default-extensions section in the .cabal file.

    The list of language extensions can be found in the GHC manual, feel free to browse it, but don't worry about trying to memorize all the extensions.

This example, of course, is an example that would work much better using Either and separating the division and printing à la 'functional core, imperative shell'. But as an example it works. We have created a custom exception and handled it specifically outside an IO block. However, we have not handled exceptions that might be raised by putStrLn. What if, for example, for some reason we close the stdout handle before this block:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  hClose stdout
    ( do
      putStrLn "Going to print a number now."
      sayDiv2 7
      putStrLn "Did you like it?"
    ( \case
      ErrZero ->
        hPutStrLn stderr "Error: we don't support dividing zeroes for some reason"
      ErrOdd n ->
        hPutStrLn stderr ("Error: " <> show n <> " is odd and cannot be divided by 2")

Our program will crash with an error:

ghc: <stdout>: hFlush: illegal operation (handle is closed)

First, how do we know which exception we should handle? Some functions' documentation include this, but unfortunately putStrLn's does not. We could guess from the list of instances the Exception type class has; I think IOException fits. Now, how can we handle this case as well? We can chain catches:

-- need to add these at the top

{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(..))

main :: IO ()
main = do
  hClose stdout
    ( catch
      ( do
        putStrLn "Going to print a number now."
        sayDiv2 7
        putStrLn "Did you like it?"
      ( \case
        ErrZero ->
          hPutStrLn stderr "Error: we don't support dividing zeroes for some reason"
        ErrOdd n ->
          hPutStrLn stderr ("Error: " <> show n <> " is odd and cannot be divided by 2")
    ( \(e :: IOException) ->
      -- we can check if the error was an illegal operation on the stderr handle
      if ioe_handle e /= Just stderr && ioe_type e /= IllegalOperation
        then pure () -- we can't write to stderr because it is closed
        else hPutStrLn stderr (displayException e)

We use the ScopedTypeVariables to be able to specify types inside let expressions, lambdas, pattern matching and more.

Or we could use the convenient function catches to pass a list of exception handlers:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  hClose stdout
    ( do
      putStrLn "Going to print a number now."
      sayDiv2 7
      putStrLn "Did you like it?"
    [ Handler $ \case
      ErrZero ->
        hPutStrLn stderr "Error: we don't support dividing zeroes for some reason"
      ErrOdd n ->
        hPutStrLn stderr ("Error: " <> show n <> " is odd and cannot be divided by 2")

    , Handler $ \(e :: IOException) ->
      -- we can check if the error was an illegal operation on the stderr handle
      if ioe_handle e /= Just stderr && ioe_type e /= IllegalOperation
        then pure () -- we can't write to stderr because it is closed
        else hPutStrLn stderr (displayException e)

As an aside, Handler uses a concept called existentially quantified types to hide inside it a function that takes an arbitrary type that implements Exception. This is why we can encode a seemingly heterogeneous list of functions that handle exceptions for catches to take as input. This pattern is rarely useful, but I've included it here to avoid confusion.

And if we wanted to catch any exception, we'd catch SomeException:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  hClose stdout
    ( do
      putStrLn "Going to print a number now."
      sayDiv2 7
      putStrLn "Did you like it?"
    ( \(SomeException e) ->
      hPutStrLn stderr (show e)

This could also go in catches as the last element in the list if we wanted specialized handling for other scenarios.

A couple more functions worth knowing are bracket and finally. These functions can help us handle resource acquisition more safely when errors are present.


Exceptions are useful and often necessary when we work with IO and want to make sure our program is handling errors gracefully. They have an advantage over Either in that we can easily compose functions that may throw errors of different types, but also have a disadvantage of not encoding types as return values, and therefore does not force us to handle them.

For Haskell, the language designers have made a choice for us by designing IO to use exceptions instead of Either. And this is what I would recommend for handling your own effectful computations. However, I think that Either is more appropriate for uneffectful code, because it forces us to acknowledge and handle errors (eventually) thus making our programs more robust. And also because we can only catch exceptions in IO code.